Open Access

Table I

Coast redwood pruning treatments, pruning heights, residual crown lengths, diameters, stand ages, and dates of precommercial thinning by study area and treatment at the time of pruning (winter of 1999–2000). Actual average residual crown lengths show the average of actual crown lengths of control trees or pruned trees after pruning.

Study areas Treatment Mean tree height Actual average residual Mean dbh in Stand age in PCT date
prescription* in 1999–2000 (m) crown length (%) 1999–2000 (cm) 1999–2000 (y)
299 Cutoff Control 9.6 71 14.2 5 1999
60% 9.4 56 12.3 5 1999
45% 10.4 46 13.9 5 1999
5.5 m or 35% 9.6 47 14.2 5 1999
30% 9.0 35 12.0 5 1999
15% 9.7 24 14.5 5 1999

M-line Control 7.4 80 9.9 7 1999
60% 6.0 57 7.6 7 1999
45% 7.6 42 11.3 7 1999
30% 8.3 39 11.8 7 1999
15% 6.8 22 9.7 7 1999

Maple Creek Control 9.7 78 13.2 11 1998
4.9–5.5 m 10.8 53 17.2 11 1998

Fortuna Control 12.5 21.1 14 1997
3.0–5.5 m, 40% 11.9 54 24.6 14 1997

Carlotta Control 10.7 67 14.5 8 1999
2.4 m 10.4 65 16.0 8 1999
3.0–5.5 m, 40% 10.2 49 14.9 8 1999
3.0–5.5 m, 40% 11.6 46 18.6 8 1999

M-150 Control 10.2 80 13.4 7 1999
Control 10.1 78 12.1 7 1999
2.4 m 10.4 72 13.8 7 1999
3.0–5.5 m, 40% 8.9 43 12.3 7 1999

Mitsui Control 7.6 81 11.2 7 1999
2.4 m 7.2 67 10.2 7 1999
3.0–5.5 m, 40% 7.4 49 13.2 7 1999

Unpruned control, targeted pruned height (m), or residual crown length in percent of total height (%).

PCT = precommercial thinning. If the precommercial thinning date was 1999 then it was done simultaneously with pruning.