Free Access Summer and winter embolism in oak: impact on water relations p. 173 MT Tyree and H Cochard DOI: AbstractPDF (462.9 KB)
Free Access Oak growth, development and carbon metabolism in response to water stress p. 181 RE Dickson and PT Tomlinson DOI: AbstractPDF (1.105 MB)
Free Access Whole tree hydraulic conductance and water loss regulation in Quercus during drought: evidence for stomatal control of embolism? p. 197 H Cochard, N Bréda and A Granier DOI: AbstractPDF (603.3 KB)
Free Access Stomatal conductance and xylem-sap abscisic acid (ABA) in adult oak trees during a gradually imposed drought p. 207 MB Triboulot, ML Fauveau, N Bréda, P Label and E Dreyer DOI: AbstractPDF (791.8 KB)
Free Access Stomatal response of Quercus pyrenaica Willd to environmental factors in two sites differing in their annual rainfall (Sierra de Gata, Spain) p. 221 M Rico, HA Gallego, G Moreno and I Santa Regina DOI: AbstractPDF (735.7 KB)
Free Access Are ecophysiological responses influenced by crown position in cork-oak? p. 235 G Oliveira, C Werner and O Correia DOI: AbstractPDF (527.3 KB)
Free Access Limitation of photosynthetic activity by CO2 availability in the chloroplasts of oak leaves from different species and during drought p. 243 O Roupsard, P Gross and E Dreyer DOI: AbstractPDF (754.0 KB)
Free Access Drought and photosystem II activity in two Mediterranean oaks p. 255 M Méthy, C Damesin and S Rambal DOI: AbstractPDF (514.3 KB)
Free Access Starch and soluble carbohydrates in leaves of water-stressed oak saplings p. 263 D Épron and E Dreyer DOI: AbstractPDF (363.1 KB)
Free Access Environmental control of CO2 assimilation rates and stomatal conductance in five oak species growing under field conditions in Greece p. 269 K Radoglou DOI: AbstractPDF (491.0 KB)
Free Access Effect of shade on stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis, photochemical efficiency and growth of oak saplings p. 279 K Gross, A Homlicher, A Weinreich and E Wagner DOI: AbstractPDF (603.4 KB)
Free Access Ecophysiological factors contributing to the distributions of several Quercus species in the intermountain west p. 291 JR Ehleringer and SL Phillips DOI: AbstractPDF (682.7 KB)
Free Access Physiological, morphological and growth responses to rhizosphere hypoxia by seedlings of North American bottomland oaks p. 303 ES Gardiner and JD Hodges DOI: AbstractPDF (803.8 KB)
Free Access Effect of the root temperature on growth parameters of various European tree species p. 317 H Lyr DOI: AbstractPDF (410.3 KB)
Free Access Effects of a calcium deficiency on stomatal conductance and photosynthetic activity of Quercus robur seedlings grown on nutrient solution p. 325 M Ridolfi, O Roupsard, JP Garrec and E Dreyer DOI: AbstractPDF (802.0 KB)
Free Access Influence of fire and tree-fell on physiological parameters in Quercus ilex resprouts p. 337 I Fleck, D Grau, M Sanjose and D Vidal DOI: AbstractPDF (587.0 KB)
Free Access Phytophthora cinnamomi and oak decline in southern Europe. Environmental constraints including climate change p. 347 CM Brasier DOI: AbstractPDF (793.0 KB)
Free Access Consequences of environmental stress on oak: predisposition to pathogens p. 359 PM Wargo DOI: AbstractPDF (694.9 KB)
Free Access Modelling the influence of winter frosts on the development of the stem canker of red oak, caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi p. 369 B Marçais, F Dupuis and ML Desprez-Loustau DOI: AbstractPDF (871.0 KB)
Free Access Studies on virus infection of diseased Quercus robur (L) from forest stands in northern Germany p. 383 C Büttner and M Führling DOI: AbstractPDF (654.0 KB)
Free Access Observations on Armillaria occurrence in declining oak woods of southern Italy p. 389 N Luisi, G Sicoli and P Lerario DOI: AbstractPDF (357.3 KB)
Free Access The effect of excess nitrogen and of insect defoliation on the frost hardiness of bark tissue of adult oaks p. 395 FM Thomas and R Blank DOI: AbstractPDF (585.8 KB)
Free Access Influence of repeated defoliations by insects on wood increment in common oak (Quercus robur L) p. 407 VV Rubtsov DOI: AbstractPDF (373.0 KB)
Free Access Oaks in a high-CO2 world p. 413 RJ Norby DOI: AbstractPDF (1.122 MB)
Free Access Growth dynamics, transpiration and water-use efficiency in Quercus robur plants submitted to elevated CO2 and drought p. 431 C Picon, JM Guehl and G Aussenac DOI: AbstractPDF (1018 KB)
Free Access The effects of elevated CO2 and water stress on whole plant CO2 exchange, carbon allocation and osmoregulation in oak seedlings p. 447 P Vivin, JM Guehl, A Clément and G Aussenac DOI: AbstractPDF (721.7 KB)
Free Access Effects of elevated carbon dioxide on leaf gas exchange and growth of cork-oak (Quercus suber L) seedlings p. 461 C Damesin, C Galera, S Rambal and R Joffre DOI: AbstractPDF (486.4 KB)
Free Access Photosynthesis, Rubisco activity and mitochondrial malate oxidation in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L) seedlings grown under present and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations p. 469 V George, D Gerant and P Dizengremel DOI: AbstractPDF (389.2 KB)
Free Access Water relations of oak species growing in the natural CO2 spring of Rapolano (central Italy) p. 475 R Tognetti, A Giovannelli, A Longobucco, F Miglietta and A Raschi DOI: AbstractPDF (606.2 KB)
Free Access Distribution, historical development and ecophysiological attributes of oak species in the eastern United States p. 487 MD Abrams DOI: AbstractPDF (1.730 MB)
Free Access Micrometeorological assessment of sensitivity of canopy resistance to vapour pressure deficit in a Mediterranean oak forest p. 513 A Pitacco and N Gallinaro DOI: AbstractPDF (493.0 KB)
Free Access Intra- and interannual variations of transpiration, leaf area index and radial growth of a sessile oak stand (Quercus petraea) p. 521 N Bréda and A Granier DOI: AbstractPDF (958.4 KB)
Free Access Modelling canopy conductance and stand transpiration of an oak forest from sap flow measurements p. 537 A Granier and N Bréda DOI: AbstractPDF (492.1 KB)
Free Access Optimization of carbon gain in canopies of Mediterranean evergreen oaks p. 547 S Rambal, C Damesin, R Joffre, M Méthy and D Lo Seen DOI: AbstractPDF (833.8 KB)
Free Access Local variations of ecosystem functions in Mediterranean evergreen oak woodland p. 561 R Joffre, S Rambal and F Romane DOI: AbstractPDF (795.5 KB)
Free Access Effect of site quality and thinning management on the structure of holm oak forests in northeast Spain p. 571 M Gracia and J Retana DOI: AbstractPDF (1.131 MB)
Free Access Radial growth of mature pedunculate and sessile oaks in response to drainage, fertilization and weeding on acid pseudogley soils p. 585 M Becker, G Lévy and Y Lefèvre DOI: AbstractPDF (636.6 KB)
Free Access The influence of drought and thinning on leaf area index estimates from canopy transmittance method p. 595 A Cutini DOI: AbstractPDF (551.6 KB)
Free Access Sessile oak seedling fertilization and leaf mineral composition in western France p. 605 M Bonneau DOI: AbstractPDF (471.5 KB)
Free Access Variabilité des nutriments foliaires de Quercus suber L dans différentes situations écologiques dans le massif des Maures (Var, France), et relations avec la production de liège p. 615 J Orgeas and G Bonin DOI: AbstractPDF (659.7 KB)
Free Access Water and bioelement fluxes in four Quercus pyrenaica forests along a pluviometric gradient p. 625 G Moreno, JF Gallardo, K Schneider and F Ingelmo DOI: AbstractPDF (953.1 KB)
Free Access The effects of stock type and radicle pruning on blue oak morphology and field performance p. 641 DD McCreary DOI: AbstractPDF (443.8 KB)
Free Access An overview of ecology and silviculture of indigenous oaks in France p. 649 J Timbal and G Aussenac DOI: AbstractPDF (1.073 MB)
Free Access Dendrochronological insights into past oak growth p. 663 JR Pilcher DOI: AbstractPDF (466.0 KB)
Free Access Pointer years and growth in Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L) in Latium (central Italy). A dendroclimatic approach p. 671 M Romagnoli and G Codipietro DOI: AbstractPDF (843.6 KB)
Free Access Element analysis of tree rings in pedunculate oak heartwood: an indicator of historical trends in the soil chemistry, related to atmospheric deposition p. 685 G Lévy, C Bréchet and M Becker DOI: AbstractPDF (747.0 KB)
Free Access Soil and tree water relations in mature oak stands of northern Germany differing in the degree of decline p. 697 FM Thomas and G Hartmann DOI: AbstractPDF (1.235 MB)
Free Access Oak decline risk rating for the southeastern United States p. 721 S Oak, F Tainter, J Williams and D Starkey DOI: AbstractPDF (532.3 KB)
Free Access A dendroecological study in a declining oak coppice stand p. 731 E Amorini, M Biocca, MC Manetti and E Motta DOI: AbstractPDF (607.5 KB)
Free Access Probability of ectomycorrhizal infection in a declining stand of common oak p. 743 R Causin, L Montecchio and S Mutto Accordi DOI: AbstractPDF (624.9 KB)
Free Access Impact of drought and Hypoxylon mediterraneum on oak decline in the Mediterranean region p. 753 A Vannini, R Valentini and N Luisi DOI: AbstractPDF (562.4 KB)
Free Access Investigations on vitality and genetic structure in oak stands p. 761 H Hertel and I Zaspel DOI: AbstractPDF (723.5 KB)
Free Access Latitudinal and altitudinal variation of bud burst in western populations of sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl) p. 775 A Ducousso, JP Guyon and A Krémer DOI: AbstractPDF (367.0 KB)
Free Access Genetic inventory of European oak populations: consequences for breeding and gene conservation p. 783 S Herzog DOI: AbstractPDF (749.5 KB)